Sunday, October 25, 2009

Current Event #5

Washington Post- Saturday, October 24, 2009
Article- Prognosis improves for public insurance

Democratic leaders in the Senate and House have decide that the government-run insurance plan is the cheapest way to expand health coverage. The shift in momentum is so dramatic that many lawmakers believe that Obama will sign a final bill that includes some form of government-sponsored insurance through the work place. Even Democrats with strong beliefs about expanding government's role in the health-care system say they are reconsidering. They hope that the government should make low-cost plans widely available. Any public plan is likely to have easy and cheaper access to health coverage through an employer to those that are not able to access it. The public option would effectively be just another insurance plan which would be offered on the open market. It would probably be administered by a private insurance provider, charging premiums and copayments just like any other policy. Because a government-run plan would be dedicated to holding down costs and would lack a profit motive, analyist predict that it could reduce that cost of expanding coverage to people who don't have it by as much as $100 billion dollars over the next ten years. House leaders are planning to work to resolve as many individual concerns as possible, with the goal of producing a bill as soon as next week.

This plan seems to be a valid idea. This plan would just be administered by a private insurance which tries to offer other a cheap plan to those that don't have access to one. I hope that this can provide others with a plan which they can afford and able to achieve equal medical coverage. Its about time they came out with some form of health coverage but we will have to see whether it will work and be properly funded.

Editorial- James E. Clyburn (S.C.) said "the debate is no longer whether to include a public option but whether or not we will get this form of a public option or that form of public option"

Question of the Week #5- Handicap the Virginia Governers Race - Who will win and why?

The two governors running are Bob McDonnell(Republican) and Creigh Deeds(Democrat). For the past two terms Virgina has elected a Democratic candidate each time. The lack of change by the democratic governor will lead voters to select a Republican candidate. Bob McDonnell seems be the favorite in this election. Currently polls have placed Bob McDonnell ahead of the Democratic candidate, Deeds. The voters are hoping that a Republican governor will lead Virginia in the right direction, fixing the current transportation problems and fixing the high rate of foreclosures. Although McDonnell is being portrayed as a hard core conservative, I believe he will be chosen as the new governor to see if change in the current political issues will take place.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Question of the Week #4- What is the Biggest Political Issue facing the State of Virginia?

I think the biggest political issue that the state of Virginia should deal with is our Transportation system. Living close the United states capital, we need to find better ways to get people around Virginia as well as in and out of Washington D.C. Virginia has not raised taxes for the public transportation system and therefore we have worn out roads. There will be a big issue facing the governor and whether they support raising taxes to try to improve our roads and transportation. I think Virginia needs a way to improve the metro getting people to and from where they need to go and mantainance should tried to be kept steady without interfering with transportation. I have encountered many of our Herndon roads being repaved but i think that the roads should also be wider to ensure saftey to drivers. Virginia will need to focus on it transportation system and find a better way to efficiently and quickly get people where they need to go.

Current Event #4

Washington Post- Saturday, October 17, 2009
Article- In Shift for Obama, U.S settles On Modulated Policy for Sudan

After a long debate, the Obama administration has settled on a softer approach toward Sudan. United States plans on pursuing peace in the Darfur region and settling the disputes with the government in Southern Sudan. This plan also provides Khartoum with a chance to improve relations with the United States. President Omar Hassan al-Bashir has been blamed for the deaths of more than 300,000 people in the Darfur region and also war crimes. There is still a dispute on whether the genocide is still occurring but right now the United States has said it is a ongoing genocide. Oringially, Obama , in his campaign, said that Sudan would suffer harsher repercussions and an establishment of a no-fly zone that would prevent Sudanese fighter jets from bombing the Darfur region. They are planning on tightening U.N sanctions and removing Kartoum as a potiental act of terriosm. This conflict has been ongoing sine 2003, after the african rebel groups attacked police stations and military outposts. If Kartoum pursues peace and maintains it the United States will trust them and the trust will provide better relations with the U.S.

I believe that it is good to intervene with the so called genocide that has taken place. I hope Kartoum does the right thing and keeps peace within the Darfur regions. Hopefully, Obama will find a better approach to maintain peace. The government still need to keep an eye on Kartoum. I think Afghanistan is a bigger issue but this conflict in one to not simply overlook. Obama had a good way of dealing with this situation in his campaign and hopefull that his plan now will not be to "soft".

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Current Event #3

Washington Post- Friday, October 9, 2009
Article- Emerging Goal for Afghanistan: Weaken, Not Vanquish, Taliban

The Obama administration believes that the Taliban cannot be eliminated regardless to how many troops are sent into battle. They have established a plan to weaken the Taliban to the degree that they can no longer influence the government or reestablish what the did before the 2001 U.S invasion. Before the action takes place "all the key players" as they called it have to speak with President Obama vis a vis (face to face). Tens of Thousands of troops are needed to resist the Taliban is one thing being considered. Building a new Afghan government is also being considered.

I think it was a good plan to move our troops to Afghanistan from Iraq. I hope we make the right decision and I am not completely sure what we should do. I think sending more troops would help but we may be wrong. After long discussions, I think Obama will make the right choice. We need to take our time and not rush our decision. It may take up to more than two weeks but I think Obama needs to take his time and make sure the right thing is what we are going to do.

"As president Obama Considers what to do about Afghanistan, it is Important that he hear perspectives from all sides concerned about that critical region." 2009 global viewpoint Tribune Media Services

Question of the week #3- Obama report card- Grade President Obama (A-F) on the major issues of his Presidency so far.

Health Care- I believe Obama deserves a C+ on his universal health care plan. I agree with his idea to make health care affordable to everyone. I am still waiting for congress to put his plan in action and hoping for the best. I am still skeptical on how he plans on making it affordable but hope it works.

Economic Downturn- Again, I will give Obama a C+ on dealing with the economic downturn. I believe the economy has gotten somewhat better but I believe there need to be more focus on the economy. I hope Obama keeps the stimulus plan in action and hoping it continues to revive our economy.

War on Terror- From the start of his presidency to now, I think Obama has done pretty well with the war on terror. I think his actions of moving the troops from Iraq to Afghanistan deserves a B. We are now concentrating on terrorism in the middle east rather than in Iraq. I think we are in the correct place now and hope to resolve the terrorism issue.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Current Event #2

Washington Post- Saturday, October 3, 2009
Article- Weak Data Signal Grim Prospects For Workers

The unemployment rate is the highest it has ever been in 26 years. The unemployment rate reached to about 9.8 percent and about 15.1 million are jobless all over the nation. More than one third of those unemployed have been out of work for more than half a year. The labor market weakness is also making it harder for a full recovery. Five employment offices in Michigan have hired police because people are on their edge and desperate to find work. One other concern is how long with the government continue to extend unemployment benefits. The house passed legislation to give an additional thirteen weeks of benefits to those in states with higher unemployment. Construction employment, manufacturing employment and government employment have all dropped by more than 50 thousand but health care has continued to create jobs. Unemployment in the D.C area has reach about 11.1 percent but Maryland and Virginia have a much lower unemployment rate. Consumer bankruptcies in the nation has rose about 41 percent in September.

This depression has had a deep impact on the global economy, not just ours. I think our government needs to think of ways to decrease unemployment rates and create more jobs. Although the health care plan may help some people in dept we need to take more measures to help our economy. I think that the unemployment benefits are not enough. 15.1 million are jobless all over our nation, it just ridiculous. We have 1/3 of 15.1 million without jobs for more than six months. Its just hard to imagine. Hopefully, the government will find a way out of this nation's depression and also postively impact the global economy as well.


"Bankruptcy filings continue to climb and sonsumers look to shelter themselve from the effects of rising unemployment rates and housing debts." said Samuel J Gerdano, The American Bankruptcy Insititute's executive director.

"We are going to see deepening pain in the real economy for a very long time," Shierholz said " This Recession is just astounding for the duration of the unemployment.

Discuss one political issue you are personally interested in. Give us the issue and the reason why you are interested in it.

Currently, I am intrested in Presidents Obama's proposal for universal health care and whether it is a step in the right direction. I support his decision in unversalizing health care. It seems that many other countries with universal health care are very successful and many of their citizens like their health care, like in France. But in America I believe that this health care proposal will benefit us, high school students, significantly once we get out of college and on our own. It can help us pay off our students loans, car insurance, and other debts rather than worrying solely on health care. Also, I believe it also is narrowing the gap between the rich and poor. If properly funded, I think that health plan will ensure that not just rich get proper health care but also those that can't afford health care at this time. Many young adults do not have health care and this proposal will increase those with health care. I am for Obama universal health care plan and believe it will provide equality to the rich and poor while increasing those with health care.