Sunday, September 27, 2009

What Political Party are you most closely aligned with? Why?

There are two dominate political parties, Republican and Democratic, and the democratic party mostly fits my views. Their view on abortion, the environment, and stem cell research are some reasons why I fit into this political party. I strongly believe we need to find another source for our cars and homes and step away from coal and oil. I oppose the death penalty and think is should be life in prison instead. I also believe that illegal immigrants should be able to earn their citizenship. I also wasn't a big fan of having our troops in Iraq but I was not strongly against it. Although I have these democratic views I also have some that are more in the middle. Like the right to own a gun, the government should let us own a gun but make it a more difficult process. I also think that drugs should be kept to a minimum in the United States and we should find a way to reduce it.

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