Sunday, October 18, 2009

Current Event #4

Washington Post- Saturday, October 17, 2009
Article- In Shift for Obama, U.S settles On Modulated Policy for Sudan

After a long debate, the Obama administration has settled on a softer approach toward Sudan. United States plans on pursuing peace in the Darfur region and settling the disputes with the government in Southern Sudan. This plan also provides Khartoum with a chance to improve relations with the United States. President Omar Hassan al-Bashir has been blamed for the deaths of more than 300,000 people in the Darfur region and also war crimes. There is still a dispute on whether the genocide is still occurring but right now the United States has said it is a ongoing genocide. Oringially, Obama , in his campaign, said that Sudan would suffer harsher repercussions and an establishment of a no-fly zone that would prevent Sudanese fighter jets from bombing the Darfur region. They are planning on tightening U.N sanctions and removing Kartoum as a potiental act of terriosm. This conflict has been ongoing sine 2003, after the african rebel groups attacked police stations and military outposts. If Kartoum pursues peace and maintains it the United States will trust them and the trust will provide better relations with the U.S.

I believe that it is good to intervene with the so called genocide that has taken place. I hope Kartoum does the right thing and keeps peace within the Darfur regions. Hopefully, Obama will find a better approach to maintain peace. The government still need to keep an eye on Kartoum. I think Afghanistan is a bigger issue but this conflict in one to not simply overlook. Obama had a good way of dealing with this situation in his campaign and hopefull that his plan now will not be to "soft".

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