Article- For French, U.S. Health Debate Hard To Imagine
This Article talks about some of the problems we are facing with health care. The United States health-care spending, which is significantly higher, is being compare to Frances. Frances total health-care spending per capita is about half of ours. It also mentions some of the problems with our plan and even those of France's plan. Coverage policies have become complicated because medical care and drugs have become much more advanced. The majority of the French population is satisfied with their system. The French system has become more like the United states health care System for older people but it covers all ages. The French have faced a sudden leap in the costs of health care and now must find ways to pay for this sudden jump.
I believe that a new health care system is a good idea but I don't know how much it will work. As we get progressively more advanced and sophisticated, our health care becomes more difficult to compensate for. Although our health care is dramatically higher than Frances, which is having a little trouble paying for their health care system, I believe that our nation needs a new system. This health care reform will be a long and arduous task that Obama will have to complete. I am skeptical of this system but believe it is about time for a change.
Editorial Comments-
"I was under the impression that if the president has the votes of our elected representatives on health-care reform, what's happening is not a plan being jammed down our throats but something else: democracy. (Arthur Aron, Farifax)